Sunday, 29 June 2014

Kon Sa Colour -- Must Watch

Funny Child - Ye Colour by gr8scorpion

How to Pick a Good Watermelon AND 2 easy ways to cut one!

So how do I pick a good watermelon for my family to eat?How to pick a good watermelon and 2 easy ways to cut one.
Taking direction from The Food Channel I look for these five things:
1.  I look for watermelons that are nicely shaped and ones that feel firm.  Make sure that they don’t have any cuts in them either.
2.  Pick your watermelon up to see if it feels “heavy”.  Watermelons are 90% water, so the riper ones will have more water and weigh more
3.  I look for watermelons that have a bright skin and vibrant green color
4.  I used to not pick a watermelon that has a yellow side but have since found out that this yellow spot is a good thing and should be creamy looking.  This is where it laid on the ground to ripen instead of being picked too early.
5.  When “thumping” your watermelon, a solid sound means it’s not ripe enough, if it’s too ripe, it will sound thick but if it sounds hollow, that’s the one you want!
Below is a picture of the coveted “yellow spot”!DSC_0817
Now that you’ve found your perfect watermelon, how do you cut it?
Here are two EASY ways to get a beautifully cut watermelon!
The first method comes from a pin that I pinned from Fifteen Spatulas.  First cut the bottoms off both ends of the watermelon:DSC_0819
Then stand it on one end:
Taking a knife, slice down and cut off the rind:
After removing all of the rind, cut into disks and then into strips and then into cubes:DSC_0829

Look how beautifully cubed the watermelon turned out!
How to pick a good watermelon and 2 easy ways to cut one.
Next up is a great way to cut watermelon if you have little bodies with little fingers as this takes out all the mess of eating sliced watermelon!   This great idea comes  from Mama Say What.  The above method of cutting does a better job with larger melons.  This next method works best for small to medium sized watermelons.
Cut your melon in half:
Lay the watermelon flat side down and cut into strips about 1 to 1/2 inches wide:DSC_0839
Then turn your watermelon and cut in the same size strips in the opposite direction:DSC_0841
What you will end up with are  watermelon “strips” perfect for just picking up and eating!DSC_0858
Well, I’d love to sit around and eat watermelon with you (NOT) but my favorite son is calling.

رمضان مبارک -

Saturday, 28 June 2014

ملکی حالات پر ایک آواز جس پر آپ اتفاق کریں گے

Tuesday, 24 June 2014